The internet connects us all, without borders or boundaries. Our fan club consists of members from all over the world, from America to Australia. All these people came together to make a piece of art - and we are so excited to reveal the final product today!
To begin the design process of the doll, we created a series of polls and open questions, essentially asking the members to vote on each aspect. As it turns out, there are a lot of elements to doll design (I can’t believe how calm our designers are…)! The first polls were on the doll’s basic features - gender, size, eye color, hair color, complexion, face sculpt, etc… We wanted the doll to be customized entirely from head to toe!
After the fan club members had decided on the basic features, it was time to move on to the outfit and accessories. Working from general vibe to specific details, the group first voted on the style of the doll - modern or historical, fancy or casual - and then got down to the nitty gritty - fabric, cuts, earrings, handbags - until every little detail was determined.