Happy Mother's Day!
It is Mother's Day again!
At 74, I am already very grateful and thankful for everything that I have. I have the best partner who has walked through life with me for 40 years. My 2 sons are grown up and working hard. I can take a little breather from being free of managing the nitty gritty work because I have a great team. And I can focus on what I really like to do, design and create!
Everyday walking into my workshop has been a blessing. Cary, Momoko and Hime are great designers to work with. The inspirations just flow within our workplace. It is fun. It is exhilarating. And it is something that still brings excitement to my everyday life!
I am very grateful that we have so much appreciation for our work. As an artist, there is no bigger joy and motivation than realizing there are those who appreciate things you make and create. It still seems like a miracle, and at the same time, my heart is full of humility. There are many many great design ideas we receive everyday from collectors all over the world. The difficulty was not so much WHAT designs to do but what designs NOT to do. There are just too many fantastic ideas.
I am in a very good place in life and I am grateful for it. My 2 sons still insisted that we should do “something” for Mother’s Day. So they prepared a fantastic dinner, and by prepared, I mean we ate in a fancy restaurant as usual. (I’m glad my eldest son did not cook, because I will have to go through the whole dinner nodding and pretending the food is great) My daughter in law made me a fantastic bouquet of flowers, we had a great Mother’s Day celebration.
However I still feel that “itch” in my heart in wanting to do something for my mother. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for being fortunate to be surrounded by family, and also I also had a great time! But perhaps people are just always greedy. They want the things they could not have. Or maybe 70 years old is a time in life where you really really miss the loved one who has gone to heaven.
There is a really big “itch” inside me to really want to relive, even just 1 day, to go back 40 years ago to that shabby apartment we lived in, hug my mother as I walk in that door, and wait patiently for that bowl of dumpling.
That bowl of dumpling that is always too salty, always too soft from overcooking…
But that is mum’s dumpling. That is the taste of mum. That is irreplaceable
I am speaking to mum today, wherever you are in heaven.
I really wish you “happy Mother’s Day, I know you are happy in heaven, but I do hope this day to be even more outstanding than usual for you. I miss you.”
Ruby Ho
May 14, 2023 8:36 am