Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida
Girl Power - Freida

Girl Power - Freida

Ruby Red Fashion Friends
15 Reviews
Wieder auf Lager
129,99 $

Von der Aktion ausschließen

Girl Power Freida möchte eines Tages eine prominente TV-Persönlichkeit sein! Sie engagiert sich leidenschaftlich für die Stärkung von Frauen und humanitäre Anliegen. Freida glaubt an die Gleichheit aller. Sie liebt es, alles zu lesen, was ihr in die Finger kommt. Wenn sie nicht liest, backt sie gerne für ihre Familie und Freunde.

Nach ihrem Abschluss möchte sie Reporterin werden und die Welt bereisen, um über Themen wie Gesundheit, Bildung und Gerechtigkeit zu berichten.

Freida hat langes dunkelbraunes Haar wird in einem langen Zopf zur Seite gezogen. Sie hat wunderschöne tiefe Augen mit einem feurigen Zentrum. Sie kommt mit ihrem charakteristischen „Girl Power“-T-Shirt, einer weißen Motorradjacke, lavendelfarbenen und weiß gestreiften Leggings, einem lila Tüll-Midirock mit weißen Punkten und silbernen High-Top-Stiefeln.

Shoot for the Stars Freida!

Artikel zuletzt gekauft am: 2025-03-26


※Ca. 14,5" große Sammlerpuppe, 9 flexible Gelenke, luxuriöses Haar, lackierte Nägel, hochwertiger Vinylkörper.

※Geeignet für Kinder ab 6 Jahren. Entspricht den Sicherheitsanforderungen von ASTM-F963, EN-71

※Farben und Muster können variieren variieren

Freida auf Instagram

15 Reviews

She is gorgeous!!!!!!!
Freida is absolutely amazing! The second I opened her I fell in love. Her eyes, the long beautiful hair, she is perfection! Her clothes are incredibly detailed and the shoes are adorable! Over all, she is a wonderful doll, and a great first RRFF doll. Will add more to my collection for Frieda to have some friends!
By Finn on 2023-08-19

Favorite Doll!
I definitely recommend Frieda, she is my favorite doll. I purchased two of her and I have a custom Frieda. I love her beautiful skin tone and her gorgeous eyes. I also love that she has long pretty hair that can be styled in many ways.
Instagram: mollyandmedolls
Facebook: Sheila LI
By Sheila on 2023-05-12

So beautiful
my pretty Frieda always gives me a smile when I look at her, her beautiful dark eyes take me to a magical universe and make me relive my childhood. we always have to keep our child's soul when we have such pretty dolls
By Cat Rin on 2023-05-11

Fabulous Fredia
Fredia, is one of my top favorites!
She has one of the most beautiful complexions stunning eye colour, long gorgeous soft dark hair and she reminds me of Crystal Gayle, whom I grew up watching as a young child in the 70's !
There is something magical about Fredia, when Im photographing her she comes to life !
I adore Fredia and I'm so thankful to have her in my forever growing collection ♥️
Sarah Barry IG account Dreamdollsnz
By Sarah Barry on 2023-05-10

Frieda was my first Red Ruby fashion friends doll. Because of her sweet smile, it was love at first sight. She has such beautiful glowing dark eyes. The clothes are very stylish and carefully finished. Since then my collection has grown steadily. These dolls are just simply adorable.

Facebook: Sabrina Nie
By Sabrina on 2023-05-09

Freida is Awesome!
I love Freida's skin tone, eyes, and wonderful outfit. I like her so much I have two so now they are twins. They wear similar but not identical types of clothes. I have fun creating photo shoots for my social media. I think others might enjoy her as well so I highly recommend her.
By Kathy on 2023-05-09

Beautiful doll
I think Freida is a stunning girl who is very photogenic. There is something sweet about her face and her make up coloring.
Facebook: Keara Vander Galien
By Keara on 2023-05-09

Love her!
I think Freida is my favorite doll of the always available ones. She’s so gorgeous and I love her face mold! She will look amazing in any setting or background.

Facebook: Tiffany VanderGalien
By Tiffany on 2023-05-09

First love...
Frieda was my first Red Ruby fashion friends doll. Because of her sweet smile, it was love at first sight. She has such beautiful glowing dark eyes. The clothes are very stylish and carefully finished. Since then my collection has grown steadily. These dolls are just simply adorable.
By Sabrina on 2023-05-09

First love...
Frieda was my first Red Ruby fashion friends doll. Because of her sweet smile, it was love at first sight. She has such beautiful glowing dark eyes. The clothes are very stylish and carefully finished. Since then my collection has grown steadily. These dolls are just simply adorable.
By Sabrina on 2023-05-09

Awesome Freida
She is very sweet!
Facebook - Inga Kudep
Instagram - kudepihha
By Inga on 2023-05-09

Love Frieda
OMGosh Thank you for Frieda which she is my Native American girl I renamed Dakota.
By Connie Tkach on 2023-02-16

Freida is an absolutely stunning doll. Her skin color and face paint coloring are just lovely. Her hair has deep red streaks mixed in. Her side curls are a nice feature, though even with gentle handling I can see them losing their shape. I have way too many dolls of all sorts, and she is usually the one my daughter gravitates to when she wants to borrow one for play. She is also my favorite clothes model because she looks good in everything. You can’t go wrong with her.
By Elizabeth on 2022-11-03

Beautiful doll
She is a wonderful doll I love her hazel eyes and her hair has a mix of brown and red which is really lovely I would recommend this doll to everyone she is a real beauty
By April on 2022-02-11

Lovely doll. Are others identified by heritage?
The Friends are cute and versatile. I’m wondering what it is that creates her Native identity? Nothing wrong with dressing like the overarching popular preteen culture. Some clue to which of many tribes she inherits would be nice though. Or if it’s partial, like mom or grandma etc and what she might bake….And something other than just eyeshadow
By Frankie on 2021-12-21

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