Machen Sie Ihren eigenen Schneemann!

Machen Sie Ihren eigenen Schneemann!

Folgen Sie unserem Tutorial, um Ihren eigenen entzückenden kleinen Schneemann zu basteln, mit dem Ihre Puppen posieren und feiern können! read more
Help! How do I design my dream doll?

Help! How do I design my dream doll?

Ruby Red Fashion Friends have just launched our first doll design competition. We want our fans to flex their creative muscle and send us their dream doll designs. To enter, all you need to do is post your one-of-a-kind doll sketch on instagram using the hashtag #rrgfulfullyourdreams. The lucky winner of our design competition will not only receive their design fully realised in doll form, but the doll will also be released as a limited edition doll in 2022!   read more
Behind The Scenes Of Our Design Collaborations

Behind The Scenes Of Our Design Collaborations

One of our core goals in RRFF and RubyRedGalleria is to actually engage with of our collectors and even ask them to collaborate on upcoming projects. This way, we can create something new and exciting together. For years, we have been well aware that many doll collectors are excellent designers and seamsters/seamstresses themselves, and sometimes we look at the dolls that others make and a thought pops up: Wow, that is an excellent design. That artist is amazing, I wish I could talk to them and get to know them. You know what would be awesome?  Collaborating with this artist and making a new doll together! Imagine working together to make something beautiful, wouldn’t that be wonderful? read more
Introducing Tung Tung, our brand new doll!

Introducing Tung Tung, our brand new doll!

Our latest release is a doll inspired by one of our young fans! I received a very creative drawing from a five year old doll enthusiast, who asked me to turn that drawing into her very own doll. I loved her artwork and admired her ability to express herself visually at such a young age. After asking her some more questions about what she wanted the doll to look like, my team and I set about turning this little girl’s dream doll into a reality. read more
Probieren Sie unseren Kürbiskuchen zum Selbermachen

Probieren Sie unseren Kürbiskuchen zum Selbermachen

It’s that time of year again when people (and dolls) love to bake lots of wonderful things to eat! When we think of this season, we think of pumpkin pie. Join us as we show you how to make a pumpkin pie for your dolls to bake and serve to their friends! read more
10 Things You Need to Know About Ruby Ho

10 Things You Need to Know About Ruby Ho

An exclusive interview with our Chief designer, Ruby Ho. Ruby tells us all about the inspiration behind her designs, upcoming projects and how her childhood shapes the dolls she makes today. read more
Ein einfacher, gruseliger DIY-Hexenbesen für Halloween

Ein einfacher, gruseliger DIY-Hexenbesen für Halloween

Cause a scream this Halloween with this cute and creepy witch’s broom! read more
DIY-Spaß! Schwimmbad-Tutorial

DIY-Spaß! Schwimmbad-Tutorial

Summer is in full swing and we want to get as much fun out of it as we can! So do our dolls, so join us as we make a fun and realistic looking pool for our Fashion Friends to enjoy. They’ll love soaking in the sun on the pool deck or splashing in the pretend water in the pool. How many of your doll friends will come to play? read more
DIY-Spaß! Sonnenbrillen- und Handtuch-Tutorial

DIY-Spaß! Sonnenbrillen- und Handtuch-Tutorial

In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple pair of sunglasses for your doll to wear while she relaxes!! There are also instructions for an easy towel.  Let's enjoy the summer with your Ruby Red Fashion Friends! read more
DIY-Spaß! Tutorial zum Sommer-Lounge-Stuhl

DIY-Spaß! Tutorial zum Sommer-Lounge-Stuhl

It’s officially summertime, and we hope you and your dolls get a chance to relax this year. Join us in this easy craft tutorial, and we will show you how to make an outdoor lounge chair for your Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls! They can enjoy the summer heat lounging in their backyard, at the beach, or by the pool.  read more
The making of our first-ever designer collaboration doll. 

The making of our first-ever designer collaboration doll. 

This mysterious and beautiful Flower Fairy - Freya is designed by Czech artist Jana Blažková. Take a look behind the scenes to see how this special edition doll is born. read more
Story Behind Ruby Red Fashion Friends

Story Behind Ruby Red Fashion Friends

Wanna know more about the story behind our brand and our founder Ruby This interesting and informative article prepared by our France dealer Un Bonheur de Colibri definitely worth spending some time reading. read more

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