Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Candy (Limited Edition) 169,99 $ Pre-Order starts at 10:00 am, 2 Sep 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment: around end of Sep 2023 * Celebrate Ruby's birthday with a FREE RRFF outfit set! (random style, the gift will not show up in your order, it may be shipped in a separate shipment.) *Each customer can only order 1pc in the first 24 hours Celebrate Ruby's birthday in... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Pinky (Limited Edition) 169,99 $ * Feiern Sie Rubys Geburtstag mit einem KOSTENLOSEN RRFF-Outfit-Set! (Zufälliger Stil, das Geschenk erscheint nicht in Ihrer Bestellung, es kann in einer separaten Sendung vor den Puppen versendet werden.) Feiern Sie Rubys Geburtstag mit Pinky & Candy, dem Inbegriff von Mode und Chic! In einem babyrosafarbenen Gingham-Schlauchkleid... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition School Trip GiGi (Siblies-Limited Edition) 129,99 $ Dieser Artikel ist auch bei den unten aufgeführten Händlern erhältlich. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich bei ihnen nach der Lagerverfügbarkeit. Czech: Russia: Ruby Red Siblies x Ruby Red GalleriaBegleiten Sie GiGi und Ten Ping auf ihrem aufregenden Schulausflug nach Peking! Inspiriert von den traditionellen Stilen der Qing-Dynastie, die China... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Cordelia (Limited Edition) 169,99 $ Pre-Order start at 10:00 am, 12 Aug 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment: around end of Aug 2023 *One fortunate customer will have an incredible opportunity to receive the exclusive One of a Kind - Pink version of Cordelia! If you prefer not to receive the pink version, kindly include a remark when placing your order. Rest assured, the winner... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Collaboration Diana (Limited Edition) 1 Reviews 169,99 $ This item is also available to below dealer, you are welcome to check the stock available with them: UK: Netherlands: Featuring a brand new face mold in our Ruby Red Fashion Friends series, Diana’s face looks timelessly elegant and is brimming with femininity. She has a fair complexion, beautiful blue eyes, and short blonde layered hair... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Fearless Sabrina (Limited Edition) 199,99 $ Pre-order starts: 10:00 am, 27 May 2023 (US East Coast Time) Pre-order ends: 10:00 am, 10 Jun 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment around mid Sep 2023 Fearless Sabrina is the second edition of the fourth doll in our 2022 collaboration with Wixana’s dollhouse. Back by popular demand and rocking an awesome makeover, Sabrina is the perfect punky... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Alma (Limited Edition) 199,99 $ Free shipping to North America, Europe and Oceania. Taxes Not included. Meet Alma, our delightful vintage-inspired turn-of-the-century doll. Alma's design is inspired by the clothing worn by working rural people in late 19th century America, giving her a unique and charming appearance. With her active imagination, Alma loves to create stories that... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Collaboration Russell (Limited Edition) 179,99 $ Exclusive to our dealer Happily Ever After Shop Here: Are you ready for adventure? Russell loves nothing more than hiking in beautiful nature! Russell has gorgeously tanned skin, big brown eyes, a serene smile with a shock of rich brown hair. He arrives wearing a brick-red button-up flannel shirt, beige khakis and a bright blue... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Caroline (Limited Edition) 1 Reviews 169,99 $ Pre-Order starts at 10:00 am, 15 Apr 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment: around mid May 2023 * Each customer can only order 1pc in the first 24 hours Caroline is our fashionable steampunk doll. Even at her young age, she is quite an accomplished scientist and can often be found tinkering with machinery or perfecting a brand new chemical... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Charming Dorothy (Limited Edition) 199,99 $ Pre-order starts: 10:00 am, 1 Apr 2023 (US East Coast Time) Pre-order ends: 10:00 am, 15 Apr 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment around early Jul 2023 Charming Dorothy is the second edition of the third doll in our collaboration with Wixana’s dollhouse. Dorothy is a ‘Mori’ inspired doll! For those not yet in the know, ‘Mori’ is a Japanese... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Tulip (Limited Edition) 169,99 $ Pre-Order starts at 10:00 am, 18 March 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment:Shipment: on or before 24 Mar 2023 *Each person can only order 1pc in the first 24 hours *Special Easter Hunt - A Free RRFF outfit set (random style, the gift will not show up in your order, it will be shipped in a separate shipment.) Celebrate Easter with our... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Willow (Limited Edition) 169,99 $ Pre-Order starts at 10:00 am, 18 March 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment: on or before 24 Mar 2023 *Each person can only order 1pc in the first 24 hours *Special Easter Hunt - A Free RRFF outfit set (random style, the gift will not show up in your order, it will be shipped separately.) Celebrate Easter with our precious holiday dolls!... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Little Alice (Siblies-Limited Edition) 99,99 $ Pre-Order starts at 10:00am, 4 Mar, 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment: around early Apr 2023 This item is available to your local distributor/dealers, you are welcome to check the stock availability with them. US: Canada: France: UK: Germany: Spain: Czech: Ukraine: Russia: Curiouser and curiouser… take a... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Queen of Hearts (Siblies-Limited Edition) 99,99 $ Pre-Order starts at 10:00am, 4 Mar, 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment: around mid of Apr 2023 This item is available to your local distributor/dealers, you are welcome to check the stock availability with them. US: Canada: France: UK: Germany: Spain: Czech: Ukraine: Russia: Take a trip to wonderland with the Queen... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Ashley (Siblies-Limited Edition) 99,99 $ *Stock available to customers in North America and Europe only With Ashley, it is easy being green! Live your Y2K fantasy with this almost-retro doll! Ashley features a brand new head sculpt featuring a button nose, full cheeks, and a wide smile. Her hair has lime green highlights and she wears it with edgy blunt bangs and quirky mini space... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Mackenzie (Siblies-Limited Edition) 99,99 $ Mackenzie’s tickled pink! Live your Y2K fantasy with this almost-retro doll! Mackenzie features a brand new head sculpt featuring a button nose, full cheeks, and a wide smile. Her hair has hot pink highlights and she wears it with tight curls and quirky mini space buns. Mackenzie arrives wearing a vibrant pink camisole trimmed with black... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Rita (Limited Edition) 169,99 $ Pre-order starts: 10:00 am, 14 Jan 2023 (US East Coast Time) Pre-order ends: 10:00 am, 28 Jan 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment around end of Apr 2023 it's time to get cozy! Rita loves nothing more than curling up in front of the fire with a really good book. Rita comes with porcelain skin, rosy cheeks, large deep blue eyes, and a... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Xióng Xióng (Limited Edition) 2 Reviews 169,99 $ Pre-order starts at 10:00 am, 7 Jan 2023 (US East Coast Time) Shipment around mid-Jan 2023 *Each person can only order 1pc in the first 24 hours Xióng Xióng is a doll inspired by traditional Chinese fashion. Featuring a brand new face mold, Xióng Xióng has sweet round cheeks and large eyes framed by black winged eyeliner. Her long black... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Talia in Blue (Limited Edition) 169,99 $ Pre-Order start at 10:00 am, 17 Dec 2022 (US East Coast Time) Shipment: around mid-Jan 2023 *Each person can only order 1pc in the first 24 hours Back by popular demand, Talia is now all dressed in blue! Talia is a vintage-inspired doll with piercing blue eyes and a round cherubic face framed by long blonde girlish ringlets. She arrives... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Fierce Sabrina (Limited Edition) 199,99 $ Pre-Order starts at 10:00 am, 26 Nov 2022 (US East Coast Time) Shipment around mid of Dec, 2022 Free shipping to North America, Europe and Oceania. Taxes Not included. A Collaboration with Wixana's Doll House *Sunglass is not included. Fierce Sabrina is the fourth doll in our collaboration with Wixana’s dollhouse in 2022. Sabrina is a... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Robin (Limited Edition) 169,99 $ Dieser Artikel ist bei Ihrem örtlichen Distributor/Händler erhältlich. Gerne können Sie die Lagerverfügbarkeit bei ihm erfragen. Canada: Germany: Czech: Diese Puppen wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit unserem offiziellen Fanclub entwickelt und von unseren Kunden speziell für unsere Kunden zusammengestellt. Von der Auswahl von Mustern und... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Holly (Limited Edition) 2 Reviews 169,99 $ This item is available to below local distributors/dealers, you are welcome to check the stock availability with them. US: Created in collaboration with our official fan club, these dolls have been specially curated by our customers, for our customers. From deciding on patterns and accessories - even the doll’s tiny Christmas cookie - to... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Uniform Charlotte (Limited Edition) 1 Reviews 169,99 $ Pre-order starts: 10:00 am (US East Coast Time) on 15 Oct, 2022Shipment: around mid-Nov 2022Free shipping to North America, Europe and Oceania. Taxes Not included.Charlotte and George are excited to start the school year! Charlotte has cropped blonde hair pinned back with a navy bow, a delicate blush, and a charming smile. Classic English... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Uniform George (Limited Edition) 169,99 $ Pre-order starts: 10:00 am (US East Coast Time) on 15 Oct, 2022Shipment: around mid-Nov 2022Free shipping to North America, Europe and Oceania. Taxes Not included.Charlotte and George are excited to start the school year! George has a shock of short blonde hair, a delicate blush, and a charming smile. Classic English school uniforms inspire... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Sweet Dorothy (Limited Edition) 199,99 $ Pre-Order starts at 10:00 am, 17 Sep 2022 (US East Coast Time) Shipment around end of Oct, 2022 Free shipping to North America, Europe and Oceania. Taxes Not included. A Collaboration with Wixana's Doll House Sweet Dorothy is the third doll in our collaboration with Wixana’s dollhouse in 2022. Dorothy is a ‘Mori’ inspired doll! For those... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Luna (Siblies-Limited Edition) 99,99 $ Bitte überprüfen Sie die Lagerverfügbarkeit bei den unten aufgeführten Händlern. Feiern Sie die gruselige Jahreszeit mit Luna, unserer wundervollen kleinen Hexe! Luna hat auffällige grüne Augen, die von einem Cat-Eye-Eyeliner umrahmt werden, eine Reihe entzückender Sommersprossen und luxuriöses schwarzes Haar mit violetten Strähnen, das zu... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Collaboration James (Limited Edition) 179,99 $ Exclusive to our dealer Happily Ever After Shop Here: Get ready - because James is ready to hit the town! James has a cherubic face, a beautiful brown complexion, and a shock of tightly curled brown hair. He arrives wearing a dapper pin-striped blue and white button-down shirt, matching tan waistcoat and trousers, and grey slip-on... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Collaboration Amariyana (Limited Edition) 1 Reviews 169,99 $ This item is exclusive to our exclusive distributor / authorized dealers in the US only. Please click the logos below to check the stock availability. Distributor: Dealers: Let Freedom Ring with Amariyana! Our patriotic Amariyana is ready to celebrate America! This patriotic beauty loves hanging out with her BFF Glory, cuddling... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Collaboration Glory (Limited Edition) 169,99 $ This item is exclusive to our exclusive distributor / authorized dealers in the US only. Please click the logos below to check the stock availability. Distributor: Dealers: Let Freedom Ring with Glory! Our patriotic Glory is ready to celebrate America! This patriotic beauty loves hanging out with her BFF Amariyana, cuddling... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Collaboration Snow (Limited Edition) 1 Reviews 179,99 $ This item is exclusive to our US dealer Samantha's. Pre-Order: Shipment around mid-Nov, 2022 Shop here: Snow is ready for her next adventure dressed in a pleated red and blue skirt with a little lace peeking out from below the hem, a white puffed sleeve top with matching blue sleeves, a yellow puffer vest and knee-high blue socks... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Evangeline (Siblies - Limited Edition) 99,99 $ Pre-order starts: 10:00 am (US East Coast Time) on 20 Aug 2022 Shipment: around end of Aug, 2022 Evangeline is a vintage-inspired doll dressed in the sweet style of a bygone era. Her face is lightly flushed and she has sweet coral lips. Her long brown hair is curled into loose ringlets decorated with two pink bows. She arrives wearing a... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition GiGi (Siblies - Limited Edition) 119,99 $ Pre-Order starts at 10:00 am, 6 Aug 2022 (US East Coast Time) Shipment around mid-Sep, 2022 Ruby Red Siblies x Ruby Red Galleria 2022 Limited Edition. Only 200pcs worldwide. In September, Ten Ping will celebrate her birthday. This year, her best friend GiGi will surprise her with the best present ever, a beautiful cheongsam! GiGi... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Francesca (Limited Edition) 2 Reviews 199,99 $ Free shipping to North America, Europe and Oceania. Taxes Not included. Inspired by the Rococo fashion and the twin legacies of Marie Antoniette & Madame De Pompadour, Francesca is a most elegant and royal doll. The Rococo period is characterized by soft curves and counter-curves, a pastel color palette, and lashings of ivory white.... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Puppen in Sonderedition Delightful Daphne (Limited Edition) 199,99 $ Pre-Order starts at 10:00 am, 28 May 2022 (US East Coast Time) Shipment around early of Jul, 2022 Free shipping to North America, Europe and Oceania. Taxes Not included. A Collaboration with Wixana's Doll House Daphne has healthy flushed cheeks and freckles developed from all her time basking in the sunshine. She has natural glossy peach... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Collaboration American Ballet Girl Doll (Special Edition) 180,00 $ This item is exclusive to FAO Schwarz and ships to the US only Please click the below FAO logo for more information or purchase. FAO Schwarz, American Ballet Theatre and Richard Hudson are unveiling a new collaboration that includes a limited-edition, exclusive line of dolls and costumes for children inspired by classic ballets, The... View
Nicht auf Lager Nicht auf Lager Collaboration American Ballet Boy Doll (Special Edition) 180,00 $ This item is exclusive to FAO Schwarz and ships to the US only Please click the below FAO logo for more information or purchase. FAO Schwarz, American Ballet Theatre and Richard Hudson are unveiling a new collaboration that includes a limited-edition, exclusive line of dolls and costumes for children inspired by classic ballets, The... View