Sunglasses & Towel DIY Tutorial

In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple pair of sunglasses for your doll to wear while she relaxes! There are also instructions for an easy towel at the end.

*Parental guidance is recommended if you are not an adult.


• A ruler 

• Scissors

• Pencil or pen

• Black cardstock

• Silver permanent marker

• Knit fabric piece or piece of towel or dish towel

First, gather your supplies: black cardstock, pencil or pen, silver metallic marker, scissors and a ruler.

Step 1: Use a pencil and a ruler and mark off a rectangle on your black cardstock that is 5.25 inches/13.4cm by 3/4 inch / 2 cm long. Cut out this rectangle. 


Step 2: Fold your rectangle in half, then open it again. From this center fold measure out 1 1/8 inches/2.9 cm on either side. These marks will be where the glasses will be folded at the sides to make the arms of the glasses that extend back over your doll's ears.


Between the two marks, use a pencil to draw in your sunglasses shape. We went for a "cat eye" look. On the outside of the two marks, draw in the narrow arms of the glasses. Once you are happy with the way it looks, cut out your sunglasses.


Step 3: Use the silver metallic marker to draw in the lenses of your glasses. These would also be cute made in a different color cardstock with a different metallic marker color, like blue glasses with bronze metallic lenses!

Step 4: Now just fold the glasses at your two marks, and they are ready to go on your doll! 

*Instructions for making a beach towel for your doll 


And finally, you can use an old t-shirt, pair of leggings, or a new piece of knit fabric cut to size for a towel for your doll! Knit fabric will not fray, so it does not require being hemmed. You could also use a piece of an old towel, or a new pretty dish towel you like! If you use a woven fabric, you will need to either use fabric glue to make a hem or you will need to sew a hem. We cut our towel to 14 by 14 inches/36.5 by 36.5 cm for our doll.

And with these three things, lounge chair, sunglasses and towel, your doll is ready to enjoy the summer sun!

Remember to share your creations with us and your friends by using hashtag #rrffdiy and tag us on Instagram @rubyredfashionfriends_global

Stay tuned for our next tutorial - we are going to show you how to make a pool for your dolls!

* Tutorial prepared by @forofsuch on Instagram for Ruby Red Fashion Friends

Sunglasses & Towel Tutorial

In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple pair of sunglasses for your doll to wear while she relaxes! There are also instructions for an easy towel at the end. *Parental guidance is recommended if you are not an adult.


• A ruler 


• Pencil or pen

• Black cardstock

• Silver permanent marker

• Knit fabric piece or piece of towel or dish towel

First, gather your supplies: black cardstock, pencil or pen, silver metallic marker, scissors and a ruler.

Step 1: Use a pencil and a ruler and mark off a rectangle on your black cardstock that is 5.25 inches/13.4cm by 3/4 inch/2cm long. Cut out this rectangle. 


Step 2: Fold your rectangle in half, then open it again. From this center fold measure out 1 1/8 inches/2.9cm on either side. These marks will be where the glasses will be folded at the sides to make the arms of the glasses that extend back over your doll's ears.


Between the two marks, use a pencil to draw in your sunglasses shape. We went for a "cat eye" look. On the outside of the two marks, draw in the narrow arms of the glasses. Once you are happy with the way it looks, cut out your sunglasses.


Step 3: Use the silver metallic marker to draw in the lenses of your glasses. These would also be cute made in a different color cardstock with a different metallic marker color, like blue glasses with bronze metallic lenses!

Step 4: Now just fold the glasses at your two marks, and they are ready to go on your doll! 

*Instructions for making a beach towel for your doll 


And finally, you can use an old t-shirt, pair of leggings, or a new piece of knit fabric cut to size for a towel for your doll! Knit fabric will not fray, so it does not require being hemmed. You could also use a piece of an old towel, or a new pretty dish towel you like! If you use a woven fabric, you will need to either use fabric glue to make a hem or you will need to sew a hem. We cut our towel to 14 by 14 inches/36.5 by 36.5 cm for our doll.

And with these three things, lounge chair, sunglasses and towel, your doll is ready to enjoy the summer sun!

Remember to share your creations with us and your friends by using hashtag #rrffdiy and tag us on: Instagram @rubyredfashionfriends_global

Stay tuned for our next tutorial - we are going to show you how to make a pool for your dolls!

* Tutorial prepared by @forofsuch on Instagram for Ruby Red Fashion Friends

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