Welcome to Ruby Red Fashion Friends Dolls
Welcome to

Ruby Red Fashion Friends

Discover the enchanting world of collectible dolls with Ruby Red Fashion Friends.

Our New Dolls


Meet Marvis - Your New Fashionable Friend!


Meet Dolores

Latest collaboration with Wixana’s dollhouse

Introducing DollyMori.com

Introducing DollyMori.com & Mori Lolli

Use exclusive promo code: RRFF to enjoy free shipping for Mori Lolli dolls

Doll Clothing & Accessories

Outfits for Ruby Red Fashion Friends Dolls

Ruby Red Fashion Friends

Outfit Collections

Accessories for Ruby Red Fahsion Friends Dolls

Ruby Red Fashion Friends


Outfits for Ruby Red Siblies Dolls

Ruby Red Fashion Siblies

Outfit Collections

Outfits for Ruby Red Siblies Dolls

Ruby Red Fashion Siblies


Follow us on Instagram

Doll Photography Contest - Ruby Red Fashion Friends Photo of the Month
Premium Collectible Dolls from Ruby Red Fashion Friends

What's New from Ruby Red Fashion Friends


Meet Marvis - Your New Fashionable Friend!


Meet Dolores

Latest collaboration with Wixana’s dollhouse

Introducing DollyMori.com

Introducing DollyMori.com

& Mori Lolli

Use exclusive promo code: RRFF to enjoy free shipping

Collectible Doll Series - Ruby Red Siblies

Siblies Outfit & Accessories Set

Collectible Doll Series - Create Your Dream Doll
Doll Photography Contest - Ruby Red Fashion Friends Photo of the month

Follow us on Instagram

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